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MediaHub Australia Grows with Scality, Superloop

IDC forecasts that by 2025, the global datasphere will grow to 163ZB. In today’s world, as organisations embrace and accelerate into the digital transformation era, data is the new basis of competitive advantage. With this in mind MediaHub Australia has chosen Scality RING as its long term data solution moving forward

IDC forecasts that by 2025, the global datasphere will grow to 163ZB. In today’s world, as organisations embrace and accelerate into the digital transformation era, data is the new basis of competitive advantage. With this in mind MediaHub Australia has chosen Scality RING as its long term data solution moving forward.

MediaHub MD Alan Sweeney explained: “Enterprises worldwide are contending with an accelerated pace of digital transformation where reliable and flexible IT infrastructure could be the difference between winning and losing customers. Recently MediaHub was looking to replace a couple of existing storage arrays with a solution which was more durable, more efficient and required less maintenance. We also wanted to be able to offer a number of new services to the market, which would require a modern, software-defined approach to storage. Our new storage array needed to be able to compete with cloud economics at scale, have geo-protection to improve the overall availability of the system, be resistant to site failure and reduce the overhead of the active stand-by storage model. This solution was Scality RING.”

Scality RING is unique in the software-defined storage space as it is the only truly unified object and file storage in the market, needing just a single product to provide both distributed filesystem and object access out of the same system, natively.

Mediahub has also commissioned connectivity provider Superloop to build a new, highly resilient, dark fibre ring around Sydney. It will provide high capacity connectivity between the major datacentres and major broadcasters. With fully diverse lead-ins at each location, this will provide a robust, long term solution for broadcast connectivity.

Visit https://www.mediahubaustralia.com.au