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ArkHub data storage solution overview


The challenge

The new digital landscape puts immense pressure on broadcasters to not just securely and efficiently store large and ever-growing volumes of digital content, but also to be able to access it in an instant. For example, they may need to repurpose content to create an obituary or support live footage as part of a national broadcast.

“One of the great things about TV is that the experience for the viewer appears seamless,” says MediaHub’s CEO. “But behind the scenes, there’s a great deal of work to make that happen. People are working very quickly to turn that live data around and get it onto viewers’ screens.”

Having recognised the fact that storing and accessing large volumes of content in a cost-effective way is a major challenge for broadcasters, MediaHub set out to create an offering that would enable their customers to create, store, retrieve and broadcast content to viewers ahead of their competition — all without additional fees.

“Cloud providers do a great job of selling storage, but there can be high fees for egress. We wanted to create a new model.”

Alan Sweeney

CEO, MediaHub

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